Monday, August 12, 2013

How to Restore Rundll32.Exe for Windows XP

1. Go to the 'Start' menu.
2. Click 'My Computer.'
3. Double-click on the 'C:' drive.
4. Double-click on the 'Windows' folder.
5. Double-click the 'System 32' folder.
6. Double-click on the 'Dllcache' folder.
7. Locate the Rundll32.exe file, right-click on it and then select 'Copy.'
8. Click on the 'Back' button in the Windows Explorer to get back to the 'System 32' folder.
9. Right-click any open space and then click 'Paste.'
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How to Uninstall a Flash Debug

1. Go to Adobe website (see link in the References) and click on the Adobe Flash Player Uninstaller download link that corresponds to your operating system.
2. Click "Save" in the confirmation pop-up, navigate to the location where you want to save the file and click "Save."
3. Double click the saved file to run it and follow the step-by-step prompts of the installation wizard to uninstall Adobe Flash Player Debugger from your computer.
4. Restart your computer.
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Sunday, August 11, 2013

How to Retrieve Codes for a Ford OBD

1. Locate the diagnostic port on the driver's-side dash near the steering column. The port will be the same size and shape as the connector end of the OBD-I code reader.
2. Plug the code reader into the port.
3. Put the key into the ignition and turn it to the 'II' position, but don't crank the engine.
4. Wait for the code reader to power on. Some readers have to be turned on, so you may have to find the 'on/off' switch.
5. Select the command on the reader that says 'Retrieve Codes' or something similar (the command will vary by brand). Wait while the code reader interfaces with the vehicle's computer, then write the codes down on a piece of paper.
6. Look up the codes in the scanner manual. Unplug the reader and have the vehicle serviced or repaired based on the diagnosis obtained from the codes you retrieved.
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How to Stop 0X0000008e Nv4

Halting a dll
1. Download and install 'Unlocker.' Make sure the Unlocker EXE is readily accessible on the desktop.
2. Access Safe Mode by restarting your computer. After you see the splash screen (the first screen presented when you turn on your computer), press the 'F8' key. This will present you with a list of booting options. Choose 'Safe Mode.'
3. Wait for Safe Mode to boot. When prompted, select Safe Mode and not System Restore.
4. Run Unlocker. Wait as it detects all running processes (including dlls).
5. Locate '0x0000008e Nv4_Disp.DLL.' Select 'Kill Process.' This will stop 0x0000008e Nv4_Disp.DLL.
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Saturday, August 10, 2013

How to Get Rid of Registry Errors for Free

1. Click 'Start,' 'Run.' Type in 'regedit' and click 'OK' or press the 'Enter' key to launch the Windows Registry editor.
2. Locate registry entries in the 'HKEY' sub directories. These are suspicious entries such as malware or viruses. Backup files before you delete them in case they are important system files.
3. Click on the specific registry entry. Select 'Export' from the sub menu. This will keep a copy so you can restore it if you need to.
4. Click on the specific registry error. Choose 'Delete' from the sub menu. Click 'Yes' when prompted to confirm your choice.
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How to Repair Rundll32.EXE Errors

1. Press 'Win' and 'R' on your keyboard. The 'Win' key sits next to your 'Alt' key with a Windows icon.
2. Type 'cmd' in the box and click 'OK.'
3. Put your Windows CD/DVD in your CD/DVD drive.
4. Type the following command in the command prompt: expand d:\i386\rundll32.ex_ c:\windows\system32\rundll32.exe. Replace 'd' with your DVD/CD drive letter and 'c' with your system hard drive's letter. Replace also 'windows' with the proper Windows folder. On Windows 95/98/XP/Vista/7, the folder name remains 'Windows.' For other systems, replace 'Windows' with 'WinNT.'
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How to Fix the ws2

1. Download the Ws2_32.dll file.
2. Right-click the saved DLL file and click 'Copy.' Go to the 'Start' menu, click 'Computer,' double-click the 'C:' drive, double-click the 'Windows' folder and then the 'System32' folder. Right-click anywhere in a blank space and click 'Paste.'
3. Go to the 'Start' menu, type 'run' in the 'Start Search' box and press 'Enter.' Type 'Regsvr32 'C:\Windows\System32\ws2_32.dll' in the search field and hit 'Enter' to register the DLL. Click 'Yes' in the pop-up to confirm the registration.
4. Restart your computer.
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Friday, August 9, 2013

How Do I Replace DLL Files?

1. Locate and double-click the file you are trying to run. The DLL error should now appear, usually saying 'This application has failed to start because X.dll is missing' or some variation, where X is the name of the DLL. Write down the name of the DLL file that is being asked for, such as 'shell32.dll.'
2. Press 'Ok' to remove the error message and open your internet browser. Use a search engine such as Google to find a download site for the DLL file you have written down, or go to (see Resources) and enter your file in the search box. Follow the steps to download the file, which will be in a .zip format. You will need a Zip extractor file to open this file, such as WinRar which is a free program to use.
3. Locate the downloaded .zip file and right-click on it. On the menu, click 'Extract.' Extract the file onto your Desktop. You may delete the downloaded .zip file now to avoid confusion between the extracted .dll file and the .zip file.
4. Double-click the 'My Computer' icon on your Desktop or on your Start menu. Navigate to the Hard Drive where your Operating System is installed, usually the C drive. Double Click the Windows folder, and then the system32 folder. The address you should find yourself in is 'C:\WINDOWS\system32.'
5. Drag the DLL file from your desktop into the system32 folder. This folder is where all .dll's are usually located, making this your systems 'library.' Once done, restart your computer, then execute your program again.
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How to Find the Version of Adobe Flash Installed

1. Launch a browser.
2. Go to Adobe's Find Flash Player version web page (see Resources).
3. View the version that is detected by the web page indicated by 'Your Player Version.'
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How to Fix a Rundll Error on Loading

1. Click on the Start button. Select 'Run'. If you use Windows 7, type 'run' (without the quotes) in the search bar of the Start menu and press 'Enter'.
2. Type 'regedit' (without the quotes) and hit 'Enter'.
3. Navigate to the following location:'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE' > 'Microsoft' > 'Windows' > 'Currentversion'.
4. Locate 'WildTangent CDA'. Click on it and hit 'Delete'.
5. Close Windows Registry Editor and reboot your computer.
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Thursday, August 8, 2013

How to Extract amp; Create Windows Shell32.dll

1. Click the 'Start' menu, type 'CMD' (without the quotes) and press the 'Enter' key to launch your Command Prompt.
2. Type 'cd C:/Windows/system32' (without the quotes) at the prompt and press 'Enter.'
3. Type 'TAKEOWN /f shell32.dll' (without the quotes) and press 'Enter.' This command gives you ownership to the library file.
4. Type 'ICACLS shell32.dll /grant username:F' (without the quotes). Replace 'username' with your username. Press 'Enter.'
5. Type 'rename shell32.dll shell32.dll.backup' (without the quotes) at the prompt. This will rename the library file.
6. Type 'copy shell32.dll C:\Windows\system32' (without the quotes) at the prompt and press 'Enter.' This will extract and copy the library file in the System32 folder.
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How to Replace Oleaut32.Dll

1. Click the 'Start' button in Windows if you are using Windows XP or Vista; if you are using an older version of Windows, please skip to Step six. On the Start menu, move your mouse cursor over the 'All Programs' folder, then the 'Accessories' folder and then the 'System Tools' folder. Click the 'System Restore' icon in this folder.
2. Click 'Restore my computer to an earlier time,' and then click the 'Next' button.
3. Select a restore point on the calendar. Every bold date on the calendar represents a restore point, and restoring your computer to that point will revert all system files and registry settings to their state on that date. If you know specifically or approximately when the problems with oleaut32.dll started, click a bold date from any time before that point. If you're less sure, click a very early date in the calendar, preferably the earliest bold date that appears. After you've selected a date, click the 'Next' button.
4. Review your restore point selection on the confirmation screen, and then click the 'Finish' button. Wait for several minutes while Windows restores your system and reboots.
5. Use your computer for a while to see if this change restored your system functionality or made the oleaut32.dll error messages stop appearing. If you previously experienced problems only when using certain applications or performing certain functions, make sure you repeat those actions to see if the problem has been fixed. If it has, you may stop here. Otherwise, proceed to the next step.
6. Launch your Web browser. There are several sites that serve as free databases of common .dll files, so if you want to find your own, conduct a search for 'download .dll files' using the search engine of your choice. If you want to save time, simply follow the link in the Resources section below, which leads to a reliable download location for oleaut32.dll.
7. Click the link to download the file. If given a choice between opening the file and saving it to your computer, save it to your computer.Download the link and follow the on-screen prompts to save the file to your hard drive. When it finishes downloading, double-click the file to open it in your computer's default unzipping utility. Click the 'Extract' or 'Unzip' button and extract the file to your computer's desktop.
8. Double-click the file to open it. If you downloaded the file linked to in the Resources section or downloading an equivalent .dll file from another site, it may be a .zip file. In this case, the file will open in your computer's default decompression program. Click the 'Extract' button or the 'Unzip' button on the interface, then select the desktop as your extraction point when prompted. This will put oleaut32.dll on your desktop. If you downloaded the file as a .dll file and not a .zip file, you don't need to do anything special for this step.
9. Right-click the 'Start' button in Windows and select 'Explore' to open Windows Explorer. In the left panel of Windows Explorer, navigate to the system folder for your version of Windows. If you're using Windows XP or Vista on a 32-bit computer, you can find this folder at 'C:\Windows\System32.' If you've upgraded to a 64-bit system and are using one of those operating systems, the system folder is 'C:\Windows\SysWOW64.' You should browse to 'C:\WINNT\System32' if you're using Windows 2000 or NT, and if you're using Windows ME, 95 or 98, navigate to 'C:\Windows\System.' When you find the system folder, left-click it once to highlight it.
10. Find the oleaut32.dll file you extracted to the desktop earlier. Left-click and hold the file, then drag it into the system folder. If you already had a version of oleaut32.dll that just became corrupted, you may see a message asking you if you would like to replace the existing file with the new one. Click 'Yes' if you see a message like this.
11. Restart your computer. Once Windows boots up again, it will recognize the new .dll and restore object embedding and linking functionality.
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Wednesday, August 7, 2013

How Uninstall the McAfee McShield Service

1. Click on the 'Start' button and then open the 'Control Panel.'
2. Open the 'Programs and Features' section.
3. Click on your McAfee product, then click on the 'Remove' button.
4. Ensure that 'McShield' is selected as part of the uninstallation, then click 'Remove' to remove the software from your computer.
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How to View a Trendnet Camera over the Internet

Installing the IP Camera
1. Insert the Trendnet Utility CD-ROM. Click on 'Autorun.exe' when the Auto-Play window appears.
2. Select the 'Setup Wizard,' then click on 'Next.' Continue to click 'Next' until set up finishes, then click on 'Close.'
3. Go to your desktop and double-click the 'SetupWizard' icon.
4. Find the IP camera and attach the antenna. Input an Ethernet cable into the appropriate port on the IP camera and attach the other end to your router. Input the power adapter into the appropriate port on the IP camera.
5. Return to your computer, and click 'Next' on the setup screen. Highlight your IP camera, and click 'Next.'
6. Enter your username and password. Alter your password, if desired.
7. Choose 'DCHP,' and click 'Next.'
8. Select 'I Want to Use Wireless,' if applicable, then click on 'Manually Set Up Wireless.' Choose your wireless network from the drop-down menu, or input your SSID. Enter any security keys. Click 'Next.'
9. Enter a name for the camera. Adjust the camera's time display. Click 'Next.'
10. Disconnect the camera from the power outlet and the router after the setup wizard saves the camera settings. Plug the camera into the power outlet after waiting 30 seconds or more. Ensure that the camera shows green for the power and link lights.
Configuring the Camera for Internet Viewing
11. Click on the URL shown in the setup wizard. The URL will be the IP address of the camera.
12. Enter your username and password. Click 'OK.'
13. Select either the Java 'View Video' option or the Active X option. Click in the yellow alert bar in the setup to confirm installation of the Active X component, if you decide to view via Active X.
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Tuesday, August 6, 2013

How to Reinstall Mapi32.Dll in Outlook

1. Go to the 'Start' menu and select 'My Computer' or 'Computer.'
2. Double-click the 'C:' drive, open the 'Windows' folder and then the 'System32' folder.
3. Double-click the 'Fixmapi.exe' file to run the program and fix the error automatically. Restart your computer when finished.
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