Friday, January 4, 2013

How to Make a VB6 OCX

1. Open VB6 software and select “ActiveX Control” from the list of new project templates. Click on “Project” from the top level Visual Basic menu. Select “Project1 Properties” from the drop-down list. In the “Project Name” box, replace the default name, “Project1” with a name relevant to your new control. Insert a brief description of what the control will do in the “Project Description” box and click “OK.”
2. Click on the “UserControl” window created in Step 1 to display the Properties window. Change the default name from “UserControl1” to something short that describes the new control. Do not include spaces in the name.
3. Add one of the existing controls shown in the ToolBox on the left to the renamed UserControl form by double-clicking the control. Find other controls to use as a model for your new ActiveX control by clicking on “Project” in the top menu and selecting “Components.” In the “Controls” tab, scroll down the list of controls until you see those beginning with “Microsoft.” Choose one of these and click the checkbox next to the name. To use non-Microsoft controls in the list you must license them from the provider, or you may choose to design completely new controls. Click “OK” to add the selected component to your project.
4. Click on “Add-Ins” in the top menu and then “VB6 ActiveX Ctrl Interface Wizard. Select “Loaded/Unloaded” in the “Load Behavior” section, then click “OK.” Repeat this process to add the “Property Page Wizard,” which helps create Property Pages for the new control.
5. Click on the “Add-Ins” menu again and choose “VB6 ActiveX Control Interface Wizard” to run the Wizard. Click “Next” on the wizard. The right-hand column on the next page lists some standard Property, Methods and Events used by most controls. Add any additional ones from the left column that seem useful. Click “Next” when done. Add any additional elements you need using the “Page Property Wizard.” In each case, keep clicking “Next” to work through additional modifications until “Finish” appears at the bottom, and then click on “Finish.”
6. Click “File” and “Save As,” and provide a location and name, which will have an automatic extension of ".ctl.” Create the OCX file by clicking “File” and selecting “Make [Project Name].OCX.”
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How to Replace DbgHelp.dll

1. Open your Web browser and navigate to a page where you can download dbghelp.dll for free. A link to one of these sites can be found in the Resources section below.
2. Click the download link and follow the on-screen prompts to save the file to your computer.
3. Double-click the file after it finishes downloading. It will open in Winzip or your computer's default unzipping utility. Click the 'Extract' button and select your desktop as the destination for the unzipped file.
4. Double-click the 'My Computer' icon and navigate through the file directory to the system folder for your version of Windows. The file path is 'C:\Windows\System32' for 32-bit versions of XP and Vista, 'C:\WindowsSysWOW64' for 64-bit versions of XP and Vista, 'C:\WINNT\System32' for Windows NT and 2000, and 'C:\Windows\System' for Windows 95, 98 and ME.
5. Drag the dbghelp.dll file from your desktop into the system folder. If a version of this file already exists in the system folder, you will be asked if you want to replace it. If this happens, click 'Yes.'
6. Reboot your computer. The new .dll file will be active after you reboot.
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How to Install Dll Download

1. Double-click 'Computer' on your desktop to open a Windows Explorer window.
2. Navigate to 'C:\Windows\System32'.
3. Copy the DLL file into the 'System32' folder.
4. Open the Start menu, select 'Run.'
5. Enter 'regsvr32 dllFile.dll' (replacing 'dllFile.dll' with the actual DLL file name) and click 'OK.' A message will appear stating 'Your File was Successfully Installed,' click 'OK.'
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How to Reset a Whirlpool Cabrio

1. Touch any key on the display pad to clear the error code, if applicable, or press 'Pause/Cancel.'
2. Choose a new cycle and press 'Start' to begin.
3. Turn off and disconnect the Cabrio if the error or problem persists.
4. Wait several minutes before restoring power. Choose a new cycle and press 'Start.'
5. Contact Whirlpool for assistance if the unit will not reset.
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Thursday, January 3, 2013

How to Install MSINET.OCX

1. Click the Windows 'Start' button on the desktop task bar. Type 'cmd' into the search text box. Press 'Enter' to open the MS DOS command line on your computer.
2. Type 'cd \' and press 'Enter.' This points the prompt to the root of the C drive.
3. Type 'regsvr32 /s msinet.ocx' into the prompt and press 'Enter.' The registration command installs the ActiveX control onto your computer by placing an entry into your Windows registry.
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Wednesday, January 2, 2013

How to Fix Rundll Errors on My Computer

1. Click the 'Windows Start' button and select 'Run.' Enter 'services.msc' in the text box. This opens the services screen that shows all the applications running on the computer.
2. Right-click the service that is causing the errors and select 'Stop.' This allows you to delete the service files and remove them from the registry safely.
3. Click the Windows Start button and select 'Run.' Type 'regedit' into the text box and click the 'Enter' key. This opens the Windows registry where the RunDLL file is removed from start-up.
4. Navigate to 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE> SOFTWARE\ Microsoft\ Windows\ CurrentVersion\ RUN' in the registry. This is where the Windows computer loads applications into memory when the computer boots. Right-click the DLL file that is causing the errors and select 'Delete.'
5. Reboot the computer after the registry edits for the changes to take effect. Now that the RunDLL file has been removed from start-up, the errors will cease.
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How to Fix 0

1. Launch Internet Explorer 8 from the Start menu or desktop shortcut.
2. Click the 'Tools' tab and select 'Internet Options.' Click the 'Advanced' tab. Scroll down to find the option under 'Security.' Check the 'Use SSL2.0' and 'Use SSL3.0' check boxes. Click 'OK.'
3. Click the 'Help' tab and select 'About Internet Explorer.' If you still encounter the error, go to the next step.
4. Repair Internet Explorer 8. Click the Start menu and choose 'Control Panel.' Click 'Programs.' Click 'Programs and Features.' Scroll down the list to find 'Internet Explorer 8.' Single-click to highlight the entry and click the 'Repair' button on the top. Follow on-screen prompts to complete the repair process. Restart your computer. If this doesn't help either, go to the next and final troubleshooting step.
5. Uninstall Internet Explorer 8. Navigate back to 'Programs and Features.' Single-click 'Internet Explorer 8' and click 'Uninstall.' Follow on-screen guided prompts to complete the uninstall.
6. Re-install Internet Explorer 8. Navigate to the Microsoft website and click the 'Download' button next to your operating system version (see Resources). Choose 'Run' or 'Open' from the download dialog box to install the program instantly. Follow on-screen prompts to finish the re-install.
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Tuesday, January 1, 2013

How to Get the Spellcheck to Work in Outlook Express in Windows XP

Repairing Using Regedt32
1. Close all open programs and files. Click 'Start,' 'Run.' Type 'regedt32' in the 'Open:' box. Click 'OK.'
2. Click on the '+' symbol next to the entries 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,' ' Software' and 'Microsoft' in the left pane of the Registry Editor.
3. Double-click on the 'Shared Tools' entry. Click on the 'SharedFilesDir' entry.
4. Click 'Edit' on the Registry Editor's main toolbar. Click 'Modify.' Type 'C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\' in the 'Value Data' box.
5. Click 'OK.' Click 'File,' 'Exit' to close the Registry Editor.
6. Click 'Start,' 'Turn Off Computer,' 'Restart' to restart your computer.Once your computer has restarted, open Outlook Express and create a new email. Click 'Tools' to see if the 'Spelling' option is present on the menu and is working. If the option is not present, proceed to the 'Repairing By Deleting CSAPI3T1.DLL' section.
Repairing By Deleting CSAPI3T1.DLL
7. Close any open programs and files. Click 'Start,' 'My Computer.'
8. Click 'Tools,' 'Folder Options.' Click on the 'View' tab. Click on the circle next to the wording 'Show hidden files and folders' under the heading 'Hidden files and folders.' Click 'Apply,' 'OK.'
9. Double click on the 'C:\' drive. Double click on the 'Program Files.' Double-click on the 'Common Files,' 'Microsoft Shared' and 'Proof' folders.
10. Delete the 'CSAPI3T1.DLL' file within the 'Proof' folder. If the file is not found, proceed to the 'Repairing By Using the Windows XP CD' section.
11. Click 'Tools,' 'Folder Options.' Click on the 'View' tab. Click on the circle next to the wording 'Do not show hidden files and folders' under the heading 'Hidden files and folders.' Click 'Apply,' 'OK.'
12. Click 'Start,' 'Turn Off Computer,' 'Restart' to restart your computer.Once your computer has restarted, open Outlook Express and create a new email. Click 'Tools' to see if the 'Spelling' option is present on the menu and is working.
Repairing By Using the Windows XP CD
13. Insert your Windows XP CD into your computer's CD-ROM drive. Click 'Start,' 'Run.' Type 'msconfig' in the 'Open:' box. Click 'OK.' The System Configuration Utility will open.
14. Click on the 'Expand File' button in the bottom-right corner of the dialog box. Type 'CSAPI3T1.DLL' in the 'File to Restore' box.
15. Type 'X:\i386 \CSAPI3T1.DL_' in the 'Restore From' box. Change the 'X' to your CD-ROM's drive letter--this letter is usually 'D:\,' but depends on the number of storage devices connected to your computer.
16. Type 'X:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Proof' in the 'Save file in' box. Change the 'X' to your CD-ROM's drive letter.
17. Click on the 'Expand' button. Switch back to the 'Proof' dialog box left open in step 4 of the 'Repairing By Deleting CSAPI3T1.DLL' section.
18. Right click on the 'CSAPI3T1.DL_' file. Select 'Rename.' Enter 'CSAPI3T1.DLL' in the highlighted file name box. Press 'Enter' or 'Return' on your computer's keyboard to accept the new file name. Close each open dialog box by clicking on the 'X' in the upper-right corner of each box.
19. Open Outlook Express. Click 'Tools,' 'Options.' Click the 'Spelling' tab. Click on the check box next to 'Always check spelling before sending.' Click 'Apply,' 'OK.' Create a new email to test the automatic spell checker.
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Friday, December 28, 2012

How to Convert VB6 to VB 2010

1. Click the Windows 'Start' button and select 'All Programs.' Click 'Microsoft .NET 2010,' then click 'Visual Studio 2010' to open the software.
2. Click the 'File' menu item. Click 'Open,' and in the sub-menu of options, click 'Convert.' Double-click the VB6 project file in the dialog window to start the wizard.
3. Click 'Visual Basic .NET Upgrade Wizard' in the list of options. Click 'Next' in the first welcome window.
4. Select 'EXE' from the file type window. If the VB6 project is a DLL, choose 'DLL' instead and click 'Next.' The conversion window begins the upgrade.
5. Click 'OK' in the confirmation window. You can review the code changes in the files after the conversion wizard runs. Click 'Run' to execute the new code in the VB.NET debugger.
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Thursday, December 27, 2012

How to Download a File on WinInet.DLL

1. Create a new function that takes the URL as its single parameter, using this code:std::string GetUrl(const char *URL)
2. Insert this code to create a new constant buffer to store the size of the parts that make up your file:const int DownloadBufferSize = 1024;
3. Add this code to create a constant that stores errors, in case your program throws one:const std::string errorString = "ERROR";
4. Use the HINTERNET function of WinInet to open an Internet connection, before you attempt to download the file, by inserting this code:HINTERNET hInternet = InternetOpen("GINA: Version 0.1", INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_DIRECT, NULL, 0,0);
if(hInternet == NULL){
return errorString;
5. Open the URL by using this code:HINTERNET hFile = InternetOpenUrl(hInternet, URL, NULL, 0, 0, 0);
if(hFile == NULL){
return errorString;
6. Create a buffer that holds file size by inserting this code:DWORD sizeBuffer;
DWORD length = sizeof(sizeBuffer);
7. Get the file size by using this code:bool succeeds = HttpQueryInfo(hFile, HTTP_QUERY_CONTENT_LENGTH | HTTP_QUERY_FLAG_NUMBER, &sizeBuffer, &length, NULL) == TRUE;
8. Create a new string to store the file by inserting this code:std::string downloadedContents = "";
9. Insert this code to set the download buffer and count the number of bytes your program downloads:char *downloadBuffer = new char[DownloadBufferSize];
DWORD bytesRead = 0;
InternetReadFile(hFile, downloadBuffer, DownloadBufferSize, &bytesRead);
10. Append the contents of the download buffer to the file until the file is complete by using this code:downloadedContents.append(downloadBuffer, DownloadBufferSize);
}while(bytesRead != 0);
11. Close the WinInet handles and the program by using this code:InternetCloseHandle(hFile);
return downloadedContents;
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How to Access a Dll for Visual Basic

1. Create a call to the DLL file. In this example, a call to a DLL that manages the hard drives on the machine is used. The following code creates a call to the file:
Declare Sub getdiskinfo Lib 'c:\myDLL' (ByVal drive As String, ByVal volume As String, free_space As Long)
2. Create variables to send to the function and variable that contains the return value. The following code is used to declare variables in Visual Basic:
Dim drive As String
Dim volume As String
Dim free As Long
Dim returnValue As Integer
3. Call the function and return a value. The following code illustrates how you use a DLL function in Visual Basic:
returnValue = getdiskinfo (drive, volume, free)
4. Display the result to verify your function results. The message box is used to test values in Visual Basic. The following code displays the return value from the 'getdiskinfo' function call:
MsgBox returnValue
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How to Run Disk Cleanup on Windows XP Replaced by Unrecognized Versions

1. Insert the Windows XP Setup CD into the CD drive on your computer if you are prompted to. Close the auto run box by clicking the 'X' in the top right corner.
2. Click 'Start,' 'Run' and type 'sfc /scannow' in the open field and click 'OK.' A Windows File Protection dialog box opens with 'Please wait while Windows verifies that all protected Windows files are intact and in their original version' message. This process will take approximately 15 minutes to complete, and automatically repairs any files that are not in their original version. When it is finished, the box will close automatically.
3. Click 'Start,' 'Turn off Computer' and select 'Restart.'
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Tuesday, December 25, 2012

How to Correct an Svchost.Exe Application Error for Good

Verify Settings
1. Go to 'Start > Run' and type 'services.msc.' Hit 'OK' to load the menu.
2. Click on 'Automatic Updates.'
3. Hit 'Log On' tab and check the box for 'Local System Account' and uncheck 'allow service to interact with desktop.'
4. Go to 'Hardware Profiles' and hit 'Enable' for the service box.
5. Click the 'General' tab and select 'Automatic' for 'Startup Type.'
6. Click the 'Start' button for 'Service Status.'
7. Find 'Background Intelligent Transfer Services' on the menu and select the same settings for it as the steps above.
Fix DLL Problems
8. Go to 'Start > Run' and type 'cmd' into the box. Hit 'OK' to load the Command Prompt.
9. Type in 'REGSVR32 WUAPI.DLL' and press 'Enter.' Wait to see the 'success' notification before proceeding.
Delete Files
11. Type in the following commands, one by one, and hit 'Enter.'net stop WuAuServcd %windir%ren SoftwareDistribution SD_OLDnet start WuAuServ
12. Type in 'Exit' to shut down the Command Prompt.
13. Restart your PC.
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Monday, December 24, 2012

How to Fix Xwpdlx.20 Errors

1. Open the 'Add/Remove Programs' dialog box located under your computer's 'Control Panel.'
2. Verify the location of the Softuarium program. If it is installed on your computer, remove the program by selecting the 'Add/Remove' programs menu button.
3. Run an antivirus program update from your program's control panel. Most antivirus programs will have a single menu selection to run when updating the software.
4. Conduct a complete system scan with your antivirus software. If you do not have antivirus software installed on your computer there are several popular programs listed in the Resources below.
5. Repair registry errors creating the error by downloading and running a registry repair tool (see Resources).
6. Restart your computer and the Xwpdlx.20 error will be removed.
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How to Fix Msvcr70.dll

Restore from Recycle Bin
1. Close all active programs. Double-click the “Recycle Bin” icon on the Windows desktop.
2. Scroll through the listed of deleted files and folders in the Recycle Bin window until you locate the MSVCR70.dll file.
3. Click the MSVCR70.dll file to highlight it. Click the “Restore this Item” button on the Recycle Bin toolbar. Close the Recycle Bin window and attempt to restart the application that displayed the MSVCR70.dll error.
Reinstall Application
4. Insert the installation CD for the application that produces the MSVCR70.dll error. After the AutoPlay window appears, click the “Install” or “Setup” link. Alternatively, use Windows Explorer to navigate to the folder on your hard drive that contains the “Install” or “Setup” file for the error-causing application, and double-click the file.
5. Accept the License Agreement for the application, and click “Continue” or “Next.” Leave the default installation folder and other parameters in place; follow the remaining prompts to install the program on your PC.
6. Click “Finish” or “Restart” when prompted to complete the installation of the program, and reboot your computer. Once you reinstall the application, Windows registers the MSVCR70.dll file and makes it available to the application.
Windows System File Checker
7. Click the “Start” button and type “Cmd” or “Command” in the “Start” menu search box. Press “Enter” to display the Command Prompt window.
8. Type the “sfc /scannow” command at the prompt. Wait a few seconds for Windows to scan all system files and check them for problems. If Windows determines that the MSVCR70.dll file is corrupt or missing, the operating system replaces the file from an internal back up cache. Depending on the speed of your computer, the scan might take several minutes to complete.
9. Close the Command Prompt window after Windows scans your system and repairs or replaces damaged or missing system files.
10. Launch the application that was displaying the MSVCR70.dll errors.
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