Monday, August 20, 2012

How to Check for Missing Dll Files

1. Press the Start button in the lower-right corner of your screen, and navigate to the Accessories menu to find the entry for Command Prompt. Alternately, you can type 'cmd' in the Start menu's search bar, in more recent versions of Windows.
2. Right-click on the Command Prompt icon and select 'Run as administrator.' Enter your administrative password.
3. Look at the window that appears. This is Command Prompt---an important program you can think of as a sort of mini-DOS within Windows, or an expanded version of the Run dialog that allows you to see any text output a command gives you. You'll see your operating system's version information, followed by 'C:\Windows\system32>' and a blinking cursor.
4. Type 'sfc /scannow' and press Enter. This will run the System File Checker, a text-based program that will look through all your system files, DLLs included, and replace any that are missing or damaged. This will take some time, so feel free to do something else until the process finishes. File Checker will show you the percentage of the scan completed, and print a list of any integrity violations discovered and fixed.
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How to Fix Dnsapi.Dll

1. Go to the free DLL download website (see link in Resources) and click 'Download dnsapi.dll.'
2. Click 'Save' in the confirmation pop-up, navigate to the location on your hard drive where you want to save the file and click 'Save' to begin the download.
3. Right-click the saved DLL file and select 'Copy.' Go to the 'Start' menu, click 'Computer' or 'My Computer,' double-click the 'C:' drive, double-click the 'Windows' folder and then the 'System32' folder. Right-click anywhere in a blank space and select 'Paste.'
4. Go to the 'Start' menu, type 'run' in the 'Start Search' box and hit 'Enter.' (Windows XP users: Go to the 'Start' menu and click 'Run.') Type the following command in the search field and hit 'Enter' to register the DLL:Regsvr32 'C:\Windows\System32\dnsapi.dll'Click 'Yes' in the pop-up to confirm the registration.
5. Restart your computer.
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How to Fix Registry Errors With Freeware

1. Download the CCleaner program by going to the program site (see Resources for the link) and clicking on the download link.
2. Install CCleaner by following the install wizard. After this is over, double-click the application desktop icon to launch the program. Click the 'Registry' icon in the left-side pane.
3. Click the 'Scan for Issues' button and allow the program to scan for errors in the registry system. After the scan is finished, click the 'Fix selected issues' button. This will delete the errors in the registry.
Free Registry Cleaner
4. Download the Free Registry Cleaner program by going to the program site (see Resources for the link) and clicking the download link.
5. Install the program by following the installation wizard. Run the Registry Cleaner program by double-clicking the program's desktop icon and click 'Scan Now,' which is in the left-side menu of the program window. The scan will proceed to check for errors.
6. Click the 'Fix all' button in the program window. This action will fix the errors in the registry system.
Eusing Free Registry Cleaner
7. Download the Eusing Free Registry Cleaner program by going to the program website (see Resources for the link) and clicking the download link.
8. Install the software by following the instructions in the install wizard. Launch the Eusing Free Registry Cleaner program by double-clicking its desktop icon.
9. Click on the 'Scan registry issue' option located in the left-side menu area. The program will proceed to check for registry errors.
10. Select the registry errors you want the program to repair and click the 'Repair registry issue' option. The registry will be cleaned.
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How to Reinstall the TWAIN

1. Click 'Start' and select 'Computer' or 'My Computer.' Double-click your hard drive, typically your 'C' drive, and double-click to open the 'Windows' folder. Locate the 'Twain' sub-folder and search for the following four files: 'Twain.dll,' 'Twain_32.dll,' 'Twunk_16.exe' and 'Twunk_32.exe.' Right-click each of the files and select 'Delete.'
2. Right-click the 'Twain' sub-folder in the 'Windows' folder and select 'Rename.' Type any name you choose and press 'Enter.' Repeat this action to rename the 'Twain_32' sub-folder, also located in the 'Windows' folder. This folder contains a proprietary library file that installed with your scanner software. It has a .ds extension.
3. Insert the installation disk for your scanner into your CD/DVD-ROM drive. Follow on-screen guided prompts to complete installation of your scanner software to its default location. This re-installs the TWAIN components.
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How to Get Rid of a Blank Page on Internet Explorer

Configuring a Home Page in Internet Explorer
1. Click the 'Tools' menu at the top of the Internet Explorer window, then click 'Internet Options.'
2. Type the name of the website that you would like to use as your home page in the box at the top of the window.
3. Click 'OK.'
4. Close Internet Explorer and re-open it. When Internet Explorer launches, your selected home page should be displayed. If it is not displayed, and you are using Internet Explorer 6, an error may have occurred during an update. Continue to Section 2 to learn how to resolve this issue.
Re-registering Internet Explorer DLL Files
5. Press the Windows logo and 'R' keys simultaneously to display the 'Run' dialog box. Type 'cmd' without quotation marks into the 'Run' box and press 'Enter.' The command prompt will open.
6. Type 'regsvr32 scrrun.dll' and press 'Enter.' A window will pop up saying 'DllRegisterServer in scrrun.dll succeeded.' Click 'OK.' With each step following this one, click 'OK' to close the confirmation window that opens following each typed command.
7. Type 'regsvr32 msxml.dll' and press 'Enter.'
8. Type 'regsvr32 mshtml.dll' and press 'Enter.'
9. Type 'regsvr32 shdocvw.dll' and press 'Enter.'
10. Type 'regsvr32 browseui.dll' and press 'Enter.'
11. Type 'regsvr32 msjava.dll' and press 'Enter.'
12. Type 'regsvr32 urlmon.dll' and press 'Enter.'
13. Type 'regsvr32 actxprxy.dll' and press 'Enter.'
14. Open Internet Explorer. It should now display the home page that you have selected.
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Sunday, August 19, 2012

How to Fix Winupd.dll

1. Log on to your computer with an account that has administrative privileges.
2. Open the Start menu and click the 'Search' button.
3. Choose to search all files and folders, and then enter 'winupd.dll' into the search box and press 'Enter.'
4. Note the path of the winupd.dll file by writing it down or copying it into a word processing document.
5. Open the 'Start' menu again, click the 'Run' button and type 'cmd' into the text box. Hit 'OK' to launch the command prompt window.
6. Navigate to the location of the winupd.dll file using the 'cd' command, which stands for 'change directory.'
7. Type 'regsvr32 /u [winupd.dll]' into the command prompt window and hit the 'Enter' key to unregister the corrupted file.
8. Go to the location of the winupd.dll file in a Windows Explorer window and delete the file.
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How to Stop a Rundll Error From Wreaking Havoc on Your Computer

1. Scan your computer with an anti-virus program. Many free programs available include AVG Anti-virus and Avira. Many dll errors are caused by virus or spyware programs that are corrupting your registry; scan the system (via a simple step-by-step process) and delete any hazardous files that are flagged in order to stop the corruption.
2. Download and run a registry cleaner. A number of free programs available online can clean your registry and correct errors. Abexo Registry Cleaner and Eusing Registry Cleaner are useful free programs. Just click on the 'Scan' button and select the drive you want to scan, and they will correct the registry errors in that drive.
3. Remove any programs from your computer that you do not use. The more programs on your system that are accessing the dll files, the more likely errors will occur. Access your Control Panel through the Start menu and select 'Add or Remove Programs.' A list will populate showing your programs. Click on a program from the list to select it and then click on the 'Remove' button on the left of the window.
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How to Find Freeware for Registry Errors

1. Navigate to one of the software-download sites listed in the resources. All of these provide software programs that can be used for fun, productivity and system maintenance. Many, but not all, of the programs are free.
2. Scroll through the available registry utilities, making sure the site lists only free programs (freeware) or that the program has 'freeware' listed in its properties or description.
3. Read through the reviews and product description of the registry utility to ensure the program does what is needed for the registry errors occurring. Reviews are helpful because they let other users know how well the program works and if it works as advertised.
4. Select a free registry utility to download. Install the program. Attempt to fix the registry errors, following the program's instructions.
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Saturday, August 18, 2012

How to Fix Runtime Error 424

If The 'Data Access Object Library' Is Not Registered
1. Open Microsoft Excel 7.0.
2. Use the mouse and click on a module sheet.
3. Click on the tab at the top of the page marked 'Tools,' scroll down and click on 'References.'
4. Click on 'Microsoft DAO 3.0 Object Library' in the dialogue box under Advanced References. Click on 'OK' to confirm and continue to Step 6. If 'Microsoft DAO 3.0 Object Library' is not available, continue to step 5.
5. Click on the box marked 'Browse.' Locate the file Dao3032.dll by browsing through, 'Program Files,' 'Common Files,' 'Microsoft Shared' and finally 'Dao.' In this folder file Dao3032.dll will be present. Click the file and click 'OK' to confirm.
6. Click 'OK' in the References box to confirm and save your new settings. If this has not corrected 'Error 424,' continue to Section 2.
If the 'Data Access Object Files' Are Missing, Damaged, Or Unregistered
7. Open the start menu and click on the program 'Run.' Enter 'regedit' into the Run open box. Click 'OK.'
8. Click and open the folders in the registry editor in the following order: 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,' 'Software,' 'Microsoft,' 'Windows, ' 'Current Version, ' finally open 'SharedDLLs.'
9. Click on the the value 'C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\DAO\dao3032.dll' in the SharedDLLs folder. Excel 97 users click on the value 'C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\DAO\DAO350.DLL'
10. Click 'modify' in the Edit Menu to open the 'DWORD value dialog box'. Enter '1' into the dialog box and click OK. Click 'Exit' on the registry editor.
11. Run the 'Microsoft Office Setup program in maintenance mode.' When prompted click 'Remove All' and again click 'Remove All' to shared components. Restart the computer after Setup is completed. Re-Install Microsoft Office using the 'Microsoft Setup Disk.'
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How to Reinstall Rundll

1. Click on the 'Start' button and select 'Run.' Perform this step if you are able to boot into windows, which means you have the ability to replace your rundll32.exe using the 'Run' command.
2. Type the following in the 'Run' dialog box (Replace the X with the letter of your CD drive):expand X:\i386\rundll32.ex_ c:\windows\system32\rundll32.exe
3. Reboot the computer. The rundll32.exe file has been replaced.
4. Perform a repair install. You must do this if you are unable to boot into Windows. Insert the Windows or OEM system recovery into your CD drive. Restart the computer.
5. Press any key on the keyboard to boot from the CD, when prompted.
6. Press 'Enter' to begin the repair process when you see the 'Welcome to Setup' screen. Do not press R.
7. Select the installation you want to repair from the list (usually C:\WINDOWS 'Microsoft Windows XP ...'). Press 'R' to enter repair mode. When prompted, press 'F8' to accept the Windows licensing agreement.
8. Windows will initiate a repair installation. When complete, your operating system is restored but your files and data remain intact.
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Friday, August 17, 2012

How to Fix Visual C Assertion Failure

1. Launch Visual Studio. Select your application's project. Click on the right-most drop-down menu in the project workspace. It shows two entries: 'Win32 Debug' and 'Win32 Release.' Choose 'Win32 Debug.'
2. Click on 'Build' in the project workspace menu or select 'Build <application project name>' to rebuild the application in Debug mode.
3. Run the new build within Visual Studio.
4. Note the information provided such as source filename, line number, module name or library when you get the 'Assertion Failure' message. Press 'Retry' to debug the source code.
5. Press 'Alt+7' ('Alt' and then '7' while Alt is pressed) to bring up the Debug window. Look in the call stack from top to bottom, and go to the first function from your application source code, skipping the system calls that are a part of the code generated by the compiler.
6. Read your application function line by line. Note and track each function parameter, local, global and static variable used. Look for pointer variables being used without a conditional statement that checks if the pointer is NULL. Look for uninitialized pointers and array indices gone out of bounds.
7. Correct programming errors that you find in and/or around this piece of code, possibly in the parent function or previously called function.
8. Follow the debug call stack to see which line in the application caused the violation if the error is not yet diagnosed. Step through the nested calls to detect the error. These could be a combination of MFC, Windows library and system calls.
9. Use the utility 'PageHeap.exe' to debug complex Windows Memory Heap reference errors that cannot be caught by diagnosing application code. Use the information given by the assertion message for further tracking.
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Thursday, August 16, 2012

How to Replace the Kernel32.Dll File

Reinstall Windows--For System Crashes
1. Obtain a Windows installation CD that is the same exact type as your current system; for example, Windows 98, ME, 2000, XP, etc. Place it into your disc drive. If your system is corrupted, you will have to manually install the program.
2. Type 'FORMAT C:' and hit 'Enter.' This will turn your PC back to its factory settings, thereby erasing all of your data, software, and upgrades.
3. Press 'Y' when asked if you want to install the program. Wait for the program to install.
4. Type 'D:' and hit 'Enter.' This tells your computer to read the CD in the disc drive. The 'D' drive is the default letter for your disc drive.
5. Type 'CD\Win98 (or whatever your operating system is) and press 'Enter.'
6. Type 'Setup' and press 'Enter.'
7. Follow the installation prompts from the CD.
Reinstalling the Kernel32.dll File Only--For a Working PC
8. Download and install a registry cleaner to your computer.
9. Run the program and fix any '.dll' errors specified in the log report.
10. Download the Kernel32.dll file from a website with a clean copy of this file.
11. Press 'Start', then 'Run' and type in 'system32.'
12. Copy the Kernel32.dll file to this directory (or drag and drop it into the window). Close the window. You should no longer receive the '.dll' error message after this point.
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Wednesday, August 15, 2012

How to Remove OCX Files

1. Launch Windows and log in with an administrator account.
2. Click the 'Start' button and choose the 'Control Panel' selection. The Control Panel folder will open. Click on 'Programs' and choose the 'Programs and Features' link. A window will appear that displays all the programs installed on your computer.
3. Click on the file name of the OCX files you want to remove. Click the 'Uninstall' button at the top of the programs list.
4. Click the 'Next' button in the Windows Uninstaller Wizard that appears to begin removing the OCX file. A progress bar will appear displaying the status of the removal process. Click 'Done' in the verification message to close the uninstaller.
5. Restart the computer to save any changes to the settings and configurations.
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How to Fix Your Computer If it Says Insufficient System Resources

1. Read the error message carefully. It should give information about what kind of resources you need.
2. Close other programs and restart your computer. Some resources, like memory, are held temporarily and restarting the computer will release these resources. If you still receive lack of memory errors, you may need to install more memory.
3. Make space available on your hard drive. Right click on the Start menu and choose 'Open Windows Explorer.' Delete files you do not need. Go to the Control Panel and choose 'Uninstall a program.' Select programs you don't need, one at a time and click on 'Uninstall.'
4. Download and install a malware remover such as Adaware or Webroot Spysweeper. Update the software to install the latest malware definitions. Use the 'Scan' function to scan the whole computer, select any problems found and remove them. Restart the computer.
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Tuesday, August 14, 2012

How to Run a DLL As an EXE

1. Press the 'Start' button and click 'Run.'
2. Type the letters 'cmd' into the 'Run' dialogue box. A command prompt window appears on your screen.
3. Type this command line into the command prompt window,'RUNDLL.EXE <dllname>,<entrypoint> <optional arguments>'. The <dllname> is the .dll file name you want to run. The <entrypoint> is the location in the .dll file that can be run via Rundll32. The <optional arguments> are arguments you need in order to run a DLL.
4. Press 'Enter' to run a DLL as an EXE.
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