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Tuesday, June 25, 2013
How To Repair Msvcrt.dll on Windows XP
1. Insert your Windows XP CD into your computer's CD or DVD drive, then restart your computer. Press any key to boot from your optical drive.
2. Press \"R\" when the Welcome screen appears. Log in as an administrator.
3. Type \"cd system32\" and hit \"Enter.\" Type \"ren msvcrt.dll msvcrt.bak\" and hit \"Enter\" again.
4. Type \"<CD drive>:\", replacing \"<CD Drive>\" with the drive letter corresponding to your optical drive. Hit \"Enter.\"
5. Type \"cd \\i386\" and hit \"Enter.\" Type \"expand msvcrt.dl_ <Local drive>:\\windows\\system32.\" Replace \"<Local drive>\" with the drive letter corresponding to your computer's local hard drive. Usually the drive letter is designated as \"C.\"
6. Press \"Enter.\" Type \"exit\" and press \"Enter.\" Restart your computer and remove the Windows XP CD from your computer. Boot to Windows XP as normal.