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Saturday, December 21, 2013
How to Modify DLL Files
1. Examine the reasons why you are modifying a .DLL file. Downloadable programs exist that can work with .DLL files that contain icons. The 'Reflector' program has an option under the 'Tools' menu that is used for extracting icons. You can load the .DLL file into this program and choose this option. If this is your goal, download some available programs (see Resource section).
2. Attain a .DLL decompiler. These programs modify the .DLL file. Decompiler software separates the .DLL file and creates several different parts out of the original file. Free, downloadable programs such as W32DASM and Reflector (see Resources) can do this job.
3. Open and run the decompiler program. Once the program is running and you have loaded the .DLL file, it will proceed to create smaller parts out of the original .DLL file. Manually do this by clicking 'Add File' under the 'File' menu and selecting the .DLL file that you want to modify. Afterward, click the 'Decompile' button in the program window. In this state, you can observe the code and make any modifications to the file in the program.
4. Recompile the .DLL file. Once your modifications are completed, you can have the decompiler program put the .DLL file back together. Click the 'Recompile' option in the 'File' menu to undergo this process and complete your .DLL file modification.