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Friday, November 22, 2013
How to Troubleshoot an Error 0X80040154
1. Locate the UNICODE or ANSI versions of ATL.dll (Visual C++ 5.0 CD, Visual C++ 6.0 CD) or ATL70.dll (Visual C++ .NET CD):Location of ATL.DLL in the Visual C++ 5.0 CD:OS\SYSTEM (UNICODE version)OS\SYSTEM\ANSI (ANSI version)Location of ATL.DLL in the Visual C++ 6.0 CD:DevStudio\VC\Redist (UNICODE version)DevStudio\VC\Redist\Ansi (ANSI version)Location of ATL70.DLL in the Visual C++ .NET CD:Win\System (UNICODE version)Win\System\ansi (ANSI version)The Microsoft Windows 95 and Microsoft Windows 98 operating systems require the ANSI version, whereas the Microsoft Windows NT operating system requires the UNICODE version.
2. Copy the file and paste it in either the Windows\System (95, 98) or Winnt\System32 (NT) directory, depending on your operating system.
3. Manually install ATL.DLL if you're using Windows 95 or 98 by typing the following command into the DOS prompt: regsvr32.exe c:\Windows\System\ATL.DLL