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Sunday, November 17, 2013
How to Remove Errors From Internet Explorer Web Pages
Unblocking Internet Display Settings
1. Open and run Internet Explorer by double clicking on its desktop icon.
2. Click on 'Tools' located in the top menu bar of the browser page. Choose 'Internet Options' from the drop menu that appears.
3. Click the 'Security' tab located on the top of the 'Internet Options' dialog box. Internet Explorer security settings will appear.
4. Click either the 'Default Level' or 'Reset all zones to default level' buttons in the dialog box. Close out the dialog box and initiate changes by clicking 'Apply' and then 'OK.' Internet display settings are now unblocked and the system is reset to default settings.
Removing Script Error Messages
5. Open and run Internet Explorer by clicking on its desktop icon.
6. Click on the 'Tools' option and select 'Internet Options' from the resulting drop-down menu.
7. Click on the 'Advanced' tab located on the top of the 'Internet Options' dialog box. What will open up are the advanced setting options for Internet Explorer, which will appear in the 'Settings' box.
8. Find the 'Disable script debugging (Internet Explorer)' and 'Disable script debugging (Other)' options in the settings list and check the boxes located by these settings.
9. Uncheck the box located by the 'Display a notification about every script error' option, in the settings list. Initiate the changes by clicking on 'Apply' and then 'OK' in the dialog box.