1. Download 'ntdll.dll' and save it to your desktop. You can download ntdll.dll from any online DLL library. For example, DLL-Files, afreeDLL.com, or DllDll.
2. Click on the 'Start' menu and type 'System32' into the 'Search Programs and Files' box and press 'Enter.' The System32 folder opens.
3. Drag the ntdll.dll file that you saved to your desktop into the System32 folder.
4. Click on the 'Start' menu and type 'Run' into the 'Search Programs and Files' box and press 'Enter.' The Run box opens.
5. Type 'regsvr32 ntdll.dll' (without the quotation marks) into the 'Run' box and click 'OK.' Ntdll.dll is now installed.