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Wednesday, November 27, 2013
How to Fix the Trojan TR/Dldr.Agent.pni
1. Restart your computer. Repeatedly press the F2 key as the system reboots until the advanced boot menu appears.
2. Navigate down to the option labeled \"Safe Mode\" and press \"Enter.\" Unplug your computer's Ethernet cable or power off your wireless router so that your system cannot access the Internet.
3. Open the Start menu and select the Search link. Type \"ssldr32.dll\" in the text field, then click the search icon. Right-click the ssldr32.dll file and click \"Delete.\"
4. Repeat the process with the files named \"wancp.dll,\" \"jcin02.exe,\" \"win32.agent.exe,\" \"Agent2.PNI,\" \"c2h3,\" \"htmp.030,\" \"iphy.dll\" and \"Dldr.Agent.pni.\" Enter \"Regedit\" into the search field and double-click the icon that appears.
5. Click \"Continue\" if your computer is running Windows Vista. Navigate to the registry folder named \"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\Software\\Microsoft\\drwatson.\"
6. Locate the entry at the left side of the window labeled \"numberofcrashes.\" Right-click the entry and choose \"Modify.\" Delete the number listed in the Value text field. Type \"10\" into the field and click \"OK.\"
7. Exit the registry editor window. Restart the operating system. Reconnect your Ethernet cable or power on the wireless router.