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Saturday, September 28, 2013
How to Unload a DLL File
1. Back up your registry. Because you will be tampering with files, you run the risk of crashing your computer if something goes wrong. Backing up your registry will let you restore it to normal.
2. Install the AlwaysUnloadDLL file (free download) into your registry by double clicking the file and confirming your desire to merge it into the registry. This way you won't have to go into the registry and potentially cause even more problems for yourself. You can download the AlwaysUnloadDLL file from
3. From the 'Start' menu, click 'Run,' then type in 'regedit' and hit 'Enter.' The registry editor will open.
4. Follow these keys to confirm that the AlwaysUnloadDLL file is there: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > Software > Microsoft > Windows > CurrentVersion > Explorer > AlwaysUnloadDLL.
5. Click once on AlwaysUnloadDLL, and one key should appear to the right. Double click this. Where it says 'Default,' switch to '1,' then hit OK.
6. Close out of the registry editor and restart your computer.