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Monday, August 19, 2013
How to Replace Browseui.dll After SP3
1. Restart your computer. At the first boot screen, press 'F8' to open the 'Windows Advanced Options' menu.
2. Press the arrow keys to select the 'Safe Mode with Command Prompt' option, then press the 'Enter' key. Select your operating system when the boot screen appears again.
3. Place the Windows XP installation CD in the computer's CD/DVD drive.
4. Type '%Windir%\System32' at the command prompt and press 'Enter.' Rename the original 'browseui.dll' file by typing 'ren browseui.dll browseui.bak' at the command prompt. Press 'Enter.'
5. Type 'D:' at the command prompt to switch to the CD/DVD drive. Replace 'D:' with the drive letter for the drive if it is a different drive. At the command prompt, type 'cd i386' to switch to the installation folder on the installation CD.
6. Type 'expand Browseui.dl_ %Windir%\System32\Browseui.dll' at the command prompt to replace the original file with a fresh copy from the installation CD. Press 'Enter.'
7. Press the 'Ctrl + Alt + Del,' then tab to 'Shutdown.' Press the arrow keys to select 'Restart' and press 'Enter' to restart your computer.