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Thursday, August 8, 2013
How to Extract amp; Create Windows Shell32.dll
1. Click the 'Start' menu, type 'CMD' (without the quotes) and press the 'Enter' key to launch your Command Prompt.
2. Type 'cd C:/Windows/system32' (without the quotes) at the prompt and press 'Enter.'
3. Type 'TAKEOWN /f shell32.dll' (without the quotes) and press 'Enter.' This command gives you ownership to the library file.
4. Type 'ICACLS shell32.dll /grant username:F' (without the quotes). Replace 'username' with your username. Press 'Enter.'
5. Type 'rename shell32.dll shell32.dll.backup' (without the quotes) at the prompt. This will rename the library file.
6. Type 'copy shell32.dll C:\Windows\system32' (without the quotes) at the prompt and press 'Enter.' This will extract and copy the library file in the System32 folder.