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Monday, May 6, 2013
How to Uninstall Flash OCX
Download the Adobe Flash Player Uninstall
1. Open your Internet browser. Double-click on the icon for the program you use to surf the Internet.
2. Navigate to Adobe's website where they offer the Flash Uninstall (see 'Resources').
3. Select the version of Adobe's Uninstaller that matches your computer and operating system. For example, if your computer runs Windows, click on the matching uninstall file download.
4. Save Adobe's Flash Player Uninstall. When prompted, click 'Save' to begin downloading the program. Then click 'Save to Desktop' in the application window.
5. Close all applications after the file has downloaded, including your Web browser. Make sure that you do not have any instant messaging programs open in 'hidden' mode (where they are running in the background). To check, right-click on the icons of any instant messaging programs in the lower menu bar of your screen. In the submenu that appears, click 'Close' to shut down any of these hidden programs.
Run Adobe Flash Player Uninstall
6. Open the Flash Player Uninstall that you have downloaded. Double-click the icon for the Uninstall on your desktop to launch Adobe's Uninstall Wizard. When the Uninstall Wizard asks if you are certain that you wish to uninstall this program, click 'Yes' to continue.
7. Complete the uninstall process. Click 'Continue' or 'Next' until the Uninstall Wizard prompts you to click 'Finish.' Then click 'Finish' to complete the uninstall.
8. Restart your computer.