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Friday, May 3, 2013
How to Register Msimg32.Dll
How to Register Msimg32.Dll
1. Verify msimg32.dll exists. Open Windows Explorer. Click Start > Run and type 'explorer' in the command prompt box. Click 'OK'. In the left pane click 'Local Disk (C:)' > 'Windows' > 'System32'. In the right pane navigate to msimg32.dll and verify its existence.If msimg32.dll does not exist in this folder go to Step 4.
2. Verify there are no other copies of msimg32.dll. If other copies of msimg32.dll exist, there may be a virus or other malware infection.Click Start > Search and click 'All Files and Folders'. Type 'msimg32.dll' as the file name. Click 'More advanced options.' Check 'Search system files,' 'Search hidden files and folders' and 'Search subfolders'. Click 'Search'.In the 'Search Results, Name' column verify that any msimg32.dll files exist in a folder such as C:\Windows\System32, C:\Windows\ServicePackFiles, C:\Windows\System32\DLLCACHE, or C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Download\<32 letters and numbers>.If there are other copies of 'msimg32.dll.' get professional help to determine the cause and best resolution.
3. Register Msimg32.dll. Click Start > Run > type 'regsvr32 msimg32.dll' > OK.
4. Replace the missing msimg32.dll if it cannot be found on the computer. Locate the Windows Setup Disk that came with your computer.Click Start > Run > type 'sfc /scannow msimg32.dll'. Place the Windows Setup CD in the CD drive if prompted to do so. The System File Checker will scan the system files present on the computer and replace any missing files, or files with improper dates and times, sizes, or Check Sums.