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Sunday, May 19, 2013
How to Fix Msvcrt.dll Errors
Windows XP
1. Insert your Windows XP installation disk. Restart the computer.
2. Click on the key prompted on-screen to 'Enter the BIOS setup.' The BIOS key varies according to the BIOS manufacturer and motherboard model. Consult your computer's documentation if you are unsure of how to access the BIOS.
3. Navigate to the 'Advanced Boot Options.' Select your CD/DVD drive as your primary boot disk, followed by the hard disk. 'Save and exit' the BIOS.
4. Press any key to boot from the Windows XP installation disk.
5. Press the 'R' button to access the 'Recovery Console.'
6. Highlight your Windows XP installation, then press the 'Enter' key.
7. Type your administrator password, then press the 'Enter' key. Leave this field blank and press the 'Enter' key if you do not have an administrator password.
8. Press the 'Enter' key after typing each command:
cd system32
ren msvcrt.dll msvcrt.old
d: or your CD/DVD drive letter
d: or your CD/DVD drive letter\i386
expand msvcrt.dl_ c:\windows\system32
9. Remove the Windows XP installation disk.
Earlier Versions of Windows
10. Insert your Windows installation disk.
11. Exit any auto-run screens.
12. Click on 'Start,' then 'Find.' Click on 'Files or Folders.'
13. Type 'msvcrt.dll' in the 'Name' box, and select 'C:' in the 'Look in' box. Press the 'Enter' key.
14. Right-click on the 'Msvcrt.dll' file in the search results. Left-click 'Rename.' Delete 'dll' and type 'xxx.' Press the 'Enter' button.
15. Click on 'Start,' then 'Run.' Type 'sfc' and press 'Enter' on Windows 95 and 98 computers. Type 'msconfig' and press 'Enter' on Windows ME computers.
16. Click 'Extract one file from installation disk' in Windows 95 and 98. Select the 'General' tab, then click 'Extract File' in Windows ME.
17. Type 'c:\windows\i386\msvcrt.dll' in the 'Specify the system file you would like to restore' field.
18. Click 'Start,' then 'Browse.' Navigate to and double-click your installation disk's 'msvcrt.dll' file. (This file should be inside the 'Win9x' folder.)
19. Follow the on-screen prompts to complete the process.