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Tuesday, March 26, 2013
How to Fix the 1087 Syntax Error With Game Movement in Flash CS3
1. Press 'F9' on your keyboard to open the 'Actions' window. Look through your code on the right-hand side of the window to ensure that there are no spelling errors or wrong symbols. Ensure all of your code blocks have opening braces, similar to this: '{', and a closing brace, similar to this: '}' (always without quotation marks).
2. Remove any extra closing braces at the end of your code blocks, as this can also be a cause for the 1087 syntax error. Every code block should only have one opening and one closing brace. Press 'CTRL' + 'ENTER' to run your code and ensure the syntax error has been resolved.
3. Ensure the ActionScript code you want to compile for game movement matches the ActionScript version you want to publish. If using ActionScript 2.0 code, for example, then your publish settings must be on ActionScript 2.0 and not ActionScript 3.
4. Click 'File' and choose'Publish settings,' then choose the 'Flash' tab. From the drop-down menu next to 'Script,' select the ActionScript version that matches the code you are using for your game movement. Click 'OK,' then press 'CTRL' + 'ENTER' to run your code check if the syntax error has been resolved.