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Tuesday, February 19, 2013
Outlook Express Msoe.Dll Could Not Be Initialized
1. Close Microsoft Outlook Express. Click the Windows 'Start' button, and select 'Run.' Type 'regedit,' and press 'Enter' to open the registry.
2. Click the username for the Outlook Express login in the left panel. Click the 'File' menu item, then click 'Export Registry File.' A 'Save As' dialog window opens. Select 'Registration Files' in the 'File Type' drop-down box, then select 'Selected branch' for the 'Export Range.' Click 'Save' to save the exported registry file.
3. Right-click the identity you previously backed up. Click 'Delete.' Click 'Yes' to confirm that you want to delete the identity key.
4. Click the Windows 'Start' button and click 'Computer.' Double-click the 'My Documents' directory, which is where the registry export file was saved. If you saved the registry export to a different directory, open that directory instead.
5. Double-click the exported registry file. When asked if you want to install the registry key, click 'Yes.' The registry value fixes the corrupted Outlook identity.