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Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Syntax Error During XP Installation
1. Log on to another computer. Insert the Windows XP CD. Click "Open Folder to View Files in Windows Explorer."
2. Press "Ctrl" and "A" to select all of the files. Go to the desktop. Right-click the desktop, then point to "New." Click "Folder."
3. Name the folder "XP." Double-click the folder to open it, then press "Ctrl" and "V" to paste the contents of the Windows XP CD to the "XP" folder.
4. Click "Start." Go to "All Programs," then to "Accessories." Click "Notepad." Paste the following text into Notepad:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<assembly xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1" manifestVersion="1.0">
<assemblyIdentity type="win32" name="Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls" version="" processorArchitecture="x86" publicKeyToken="6595b64144ccf1df"/>
<file name="comctl32.dll" hash="4f02ff771050b8657e289d75f19163fe2ab02600" hashalg="SHA1">
5. Click "File." Click "Save As." Select "All Files (*.*)" from the "Save as Type" drop-down menu.
6. Enter "" into the "File Name" field. Select the desktop as the destination, then click "Save."
7. Go to the "i386" folder, found within the "XP" folder. Navigate through "asms," "6000," "msft," "windows," "common" and "controls."
8. Drag-and-drop the "" file on the desktop into the "controls" folder to fix the syntax error during XP installation. Select the option to overwrite the existing "" file.
9. Use a program like NERO or nLite to burn the file to disc. Other CD burning programs might not work, since not all can burn bootable discs.