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Saturday, November 3, 2012
How to Repair a Corrupt EXE File
1. Find out what kind of .exe file is corrupted and download it again. For example, if your program installer is corrupted, you will need to download it from your Microsoft Windows XP CD.
2. Insert the CD into your CD-ROM.
3. Click 'Start' and 'Restart' to reboot your computer.
4. Press any key to activate the CD as the computer is loading up.
5. Select the 'R' key on your keyboard to access the recovery console.
6. Select the operating system that needs to be repaired and enter the administrator password.
7. Type 'Expand d:\i386/ntoskrnl.ex_ C:\Windows/System32'.
8. Overwrite the 'Y' file and press 'Enter'.
9. Type 'Exit' to reboot and restart the computer.
10. Search the Microsoft website and look for the .exe file you wish to repair if you know which file it is or don't have the CD. The CD will restore all of your computer's .exe files, but this is a process you don't need to go through if you know specifically what you need to repair. Microsoft has specified different instructions for the many .exe files available. The instructions, however are very detailed, difficult and time-consuming.