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Friday, November 9, 2012
How to Install Flash Player on Mac OS 10.3
1. Go to the Adobe Flash Player archive (see Resources).
2. Download the link entitled Flash Player 9; it will be a .zip file containing all the archived versions of Flash Player 9, as various versions may work with varying operating systems.
3. Open the downloaded .zip file, and then open the file titled readme.txt. From the options listed, choose the correct Flash Player to match your operating system. Choosing the latest version of Flash is suggested to avoid bugs and other issues.
4. Open the proper folder containing the right version of Flash. There will be two .dmg files in that folder, one with 'ub' in the name (as in 'flashplayer9xxxx_ub_mac.dmg') and one without. Double-click the file with 'ub' in the name and mount the disk image. Open the .pkg file and an installation program should load. This program will tell you how to install the Flash Player.