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Saturday, September 15, 2012
Windows XP Won#039;t Update
1. Click 'Start,' then 'All Programs.'
2. Open the 'Accessories' folder, then select 'Notepad.'
3. Copy and paste the following into Notepad.regsvr32 /s wups.dllregsvr32 /s wups2.dllregsvr32 /s wuweb.dllregsvr32 /s wucltui.dllregsvr32 /s wuaueng1.dllregsvr32 /s wuaueng.dllregsvr32 /s wuapi.dllregsvr32 /s vbscript.dllregsvr32 /s sccrun.dllregsvr32 /s dispex.dllregsvr32 /s msscript.ocx
4. Click 'File,' then 'Save As.'
5. Change the location to 'Desktop.'
6. Change the 'Save as type' to 'All Files.'
7. Type 'UpdateFix.Cmd' in the 'File Name' box.
8. Click the 'Save' button.
9. Double click the file on your desktop. A command prompt (black box) will load on your screen and run these commands for you.
10. Perform an update by clicking on 'Start,' then 'All Programs,' and clicking 'Windows Update.' You can also perform an update by visiting the Windows update website (see Resources).