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Thursday, June 28, 2012
How to Reinstall Browseui.dll
Reinstall Browseui.dll
1. Restart the computer. Click \"Start,\" \"Shut Down,\" then \"Restart.\" Alternatively, use the physical \"Restart\" button on your computer if the Windows \"Start\" menu does not appear on your desktop.
2. Boot into Windows' \"Safe Mode with Command Prompt\" by pressing the \"F8\" key as the computer boots. Select \"Safe Mode with Command Prompt\" with the \"Up\" and \"Down\" arrow keys, then press \"Enter.\" When prompted, select your Windows operating system entry with the \"Up\" and \"Down\" arrow keys, then hit \"Enter.\"
3. Insert your Windows installation disc into the disc drive, then close the drive.
4. Navigate to Windows' \"System32\" folder by typing \"cd\\windows\\system32\" at the command prompt, then hitting \"Enter.\"
5. Rename the corrupted Browseui.dll file. Type \"ren browseui.dll browseui.old\" at the command prompt, then hit \"Enter.\" It's okay if Windows tells you the file does not exist; ignore the message and skip this step.
6. Navigate to the disc drive by typing its drive letter followed by a colon, then hitting \"Enter\". For example, navigate to the disc drive with the default drive letter by typing \"D:\" followed by \"Enter.\"
7. Navigate to the \"i386\" folder on the disc by typing \"cd i386\", then pressing \"Enter.\"
8. Reinstall Browseui.dll from the Windows installation disc by typing \"expand Browseui.dl_ %Windir%\\System32\\Browseui.dll\", then pressing \"Enter.\" Ensure you type a space between \".dl_\" and \"%Windir%\".
9. Restart the computer. Press \"CTRL,\" \"ALT,\" and \"Delete\" at the same time. Select \"Shut Down\" using the tab key, then press \"Enter.\" Select \"Restart\" with the \"Up\" and \"Down\" arrow keys, then press \"Enter.\"
Re-register Browseui.dll
10. Open the \"Run\" dialog by clicking \"Start,\" then \"Run.\"
11. Open the command prompt by typing \"cmd\", then \"Enter.\"
12. Navigate to \"%Windir%\\System32\" by typing \"cd %Windir%\\System32\" into the command prompt window. Press \"Enter.\"
13. Unregister Browseui.dll by typing \"regsvr32 browseui.dll /u\" into the command prompt window, then pressing \"Enter.\" If Windows is still using the corrupt, old version of Browseui.dll, unregistering and re-registering the DLL forces Windows to use the newly installed version.
14. Re-register Browseui.dll by typing \"regsvr32 browseui.dll\" into the command prompt window, then pressing \"Enter.\"
15. Close the command prompt window by typing \"exit\" and pressing \"Enter.\"
16. Restart the computer by clicking \"Start,\" \"Shut Down,\" then \"Restart.\"