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Saturday, April 28, 2012
How to Locate Kernel Component Wtkernel
1. Press the 'Windows' and 'R' keys simultaneously on the keyboard. Type 'Services.msc' in the Run box and press the 'Enter' key. This loads the 'Services Management Console' on the screen.
2. Right-click 'GamesAppService' and click 'Properties.' This loads a dialog window containing settings for the service. Click the 'Stop' button and then click in the 'Startup Type' drop-down menu.
3. Click 'Manual' and then click the 'Apply' button. Close the Services Management Console.
4. Press the 'Windows' and 'R' keys simultaneously on the keyboard. Type 'Msconfig' in the Run box and press the 'Enter' key. This loads a 'System Configuration' window on your screen. Click the 'Services' tab and then click in the box next to 'Hide all Microsoft Services.'
5. Click to remove the check in the box next to 'GamesAppService' and click the 'Apply' button. Close the System Configuration window and restart the computer.
6. Press the 'Windows' and 'R' keys simultaneously on the keyboard. Type 'CMD' in the Run box and press the 'Enter' key.
7. Type or copy and paste 'Regsvr32 /u /s NP_wtapp.dll wtapp_presenceDetector.dll' and press the 'Enter' key. Close the Windows Command Prompt.If you do not want the WildTangent game service, you should now be able to successfully uninstall the application through the Windows Control Panel. Continue reading if you want to continue using the WildTangent game service.
8. Press the 'Windows' and 'R' keys simultaneously on the keyboard. Type or copy and paste 'C:\Program Files\WildTangent Games\Touchpoints\wildgames\Restore.exe /s /silent /restore /dp=wildgames' and press the 'Enter' key.If you are using a 64-bit operating system or if you receive an error, type 'C:\Program Files (x86)\WildTangent Games\Touchpoints\wildgames\Restore.exe /s /silent /restore /dp=wildgames' and press 'Enter.'
9. Click the 'Yes' button on the 'User Account Control' warning. Press the 'Windows and 'R' keys again. Type 'C:\Program Files\WildTangent Games\App\PatchTools\Updater.exe' and press the 'Enter' key.If you are using a 64-bit operating system or if you receive an error, type 'C:\Program Files (x86)\WildTangent Games\App\PatchTools\Updater.exe' and press the 'Enter' key.
10. Click 'Yes' on the 'User Account Control' warning. Allow the update process to complete and restart the computer.