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Tuesday, April 24, 2012
How to Disable the Debugger in Adobe Flash 9
Uninstall Adobe Flash Player Debugger
1. Download an Adobe Flash Player Debugger uninstaller file from Adobe's Download Center. Select \"uninstall_flash_player.exe\" if you are a Windows user or \"uninstall_flash_player_osx.dmg\" if you have a Mac.
2. Save the file in an easy to find location, such as your desktop.
3. Double-click on the file icon to run the uninstaller.
4. Follow instructions on screen. You do not need to restart.
5. Click on \"Start\" and choose \"Search.\"
6. Select to search \"Files or Folders\" and search for the \"flash.ocx\" file name. The file will display in search results, along with its installation date and file location.
7. Write the file location for flash.ocx, such as \"C:\\Windows\\System32\\Macromed\\Flash\" on a piece of paper.
8. Click on \"Start\" and select \"All Programs.\"
9. Click on \"Accessories\" and select \"Command Prompt.\"
10. Navigate to the file location by typing in \"cd C:\\Windows\\System32\\Macromed\\Flash\" without quotes and hit \"Enter.\" Replace \"C:\\Windows\\System32\\Macromed\\Flash\" with the real location written down on your paper. You will see \"C:\\>\" at the beginning of the command—this is added by the Command Prompt program and you do not need to delete it.
11. Type in \"regsrv32 -u flash.ocx\" without quotes into the Command Prompt. This unregisters and removes the file.