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Saturday, March 3, 2012
Sync Server Has Stopped Working
1. Click 'Start' and select 'Control Panel.'
2. Click 'Programs and Features.'
3. Click 'Uninstall a Program.'
4. Select each of the following programs, click 'Uninstall' and follow the onscreen instructions to completely remove the programs:iTunesQuickTimeApple Software UpdateApple Mobile Device SupportBonjourApple Application Support
5. Restart your computer.
6. Click 'Start,' click 'Computer' and navigate to 'C:\Program Files.'
7. Delete the following folders if they remain:iTunesiPodQuickTimeBonjour
8. Navigate to 'C\Program Files\Common Files' and delete the 'Apple' folder.
9. Click 'Start,' type '%appdata%' and then press 'Enter.'
10. Delete the following folders if the remain:AppleiTunesQuickTime
11. Launch a Web browser and navigate to the iTunes download page (see Resources).
12. Download and install iTunes.