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Sunday, March 4, 2012
How to Repair WMI on a Windows XP System
1. Click the Start menu button in the lower left-hand corner of the Windows XP screen.
2. Select 'Run' in the pop-up Start menu.
3. Type 'CMD.EXE' (without quotation marks) in the dialog box that appears. Click 'OK.' This launches the Windows XP Command Prompt window.
If you are using a Windows XP installation that is modified by a service pack upgrade, type 'rundll32 wbemupgd, UpgradeRepository' (without quotation marks) instead. This will automatically detect and repair a corrupted WMI installation. Close the window and restart your PC.
If you are using a Windows XP installation that is not modified by a service pack, continue to Step 4.
4. Type 'net stop winmgmt' (without quotation marks) and press the 'Enter' key on your keyboard. This opens the Windows Management Infrastructure window and the source folder for the WMI data. Note the location of the folder on your hard drive. Its default location may differ per computer and Windows XP installation.
5. Click the Start menu and select 'My Computer.' Double-click the C:\\ partition on your hard drive. Navigate to the folder displayed in Step 4. Rename the folder to 'Repository.' Close the window.
6. Return to the WMI dialog window in Step 4. Type 'net start winmgmt' (without quotation marks) and press the Enter key on your keyboard. Type 'EXIT' (without quotation marks) and press the 'Enter' key on your keyboard. Close the dialog window. The WMI infrastructure has now been repaired on your Windows XP installation.