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Wednesday, March 7, 2012

How to Repair Svchost

1. Click on the 'Start' button on your desktop and click on 'Run.'
2. Type the following: 'services.msc' (without quotes) into the Run text box and click on 'OK.'
3. Double-click on the 'Automatic Updates' category located on the right-hand side of the pane.
4. Click on the 'Log-on' tab found on top of the 'Automatic Updates' screen.
5. Enable 'Local System Account' by clicking on the button next to the option.
6. Disable the 'Allow Service to Interact With Desktop' service by removing the check mark from the option box.
7. Place a check mark by the 'Hardware Profile' option in addition to enabling 'Profile 1' by clicking on it if this option is disabled.
8. Click on the 'General' tab located on top of the dialog box prompt and set the startup type to 'Automatic' through the drop menu.
9. Enable the 'Service Status' and 'Background Intelligent Transfer Service' options by clicking on their respective boxes.
10. Open the 'Run' box by clicking on the desktop 'Start' button and clicking on 'Run.' Input 'CMD' (without quotes) into the 'Run' text box. The command screen will appear.
11. Type the following entries at the C: prompt and after each individual line is typed, press the 'Enter' key. You will receive a confirmation after each line.REGSVR32 WUAPI.DLLREGSVR32 WUAUENG.DLLREGSVR32 WUAUENG1.DLLREGSVR32 ATL.DLLREGSVR32 WUCLTUI.DLLREGSVR32 WUPS.DLLREGSVR32 WUPS2.DLLREGSVR32 WUWEB.DLL
12. Enter the following commands at the C: prompt. After each line, press the 'Enter' %windir%ren SoftwareDistribution SD_OLDnet start WuAuServ