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Sunday, March 4, 2012

How to Repair Framedyn.Dll

1. Download the framedyn.dll file to your system (See Resources). Open the 'Computer' or 'My Computer' browser, depending on your system.
2. Double click the local hard drive and open the 'Windows' folder. Double click 'System 32.' Drag the downloaded framedn.dll file to the folder. Choose 'Yes' if a message appears that asks if you want to replace the file.
3. Click 'Start' and open the 'Control Panel.' Click 'Performance and Maintenance' or 'System and Maintenance.' Click 'System' and click the 'Advanced' or 'Advanced system settings' tab.
4. Click 'Environment Variables.' Look under the 'System Variables' section and select 'Path.' Select the 'Edit' button.
5. Enter the following path in the 'Variable value' box:C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\System32\wbemClick 'OK.'