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Sunday, February 19, 2012
How to Uninstall Active X in Windows XP
1. Select the Windows 'Start' button, choose 'Settings' and then select 'Control Panel.'
2. Double-click on 'Add/Remove Programs' and then select the 'Install/Uninstall' tab.
3. Choose the ActiveX control you would like to delete from the list of programs, select 'Add/Remove' button and then follow the prompts to uninstall the ActiveX.
4. Open Windows Explorer if the ActiveX control you are trying to delete is not displayed on the list of installed programs and then go the 'Windows\Downloaded Program Files' folder, or the 'Winnt\Downloaded Program Files' folder.
5. Remove/Uninstall the ActiveX control by right-clicking on it, selecting 'Remove' and then choosing 'Yes' when prompted if you would like to remove the ActiveX Control.