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Tuesday, January 3, 2012
How to Uninstall Google AFE
1. Restart the computer. As soon as the computer begins booting, but before Windows loads, tap the F8 key on the keyboard repeatedly to display the Advanced Boot Options menu. Select 'Safe Mode' with the keyboard, then press 'Enter.'
2. Press the Windows logo and 'R' keys simultaneously to display the 'Run' dialog box after Windows finishes loading. Type 'appwiz.cpl' without quotation marks in the dialog box and press 'Enter.' Windows displays all of the programs installed on the computer.
3. Click 'Google AFE' and then click 'Remove' or 'Uninstall.' If you do not see this on the list of programs, look for 'Browser Address Error Redirector' and uninstall it. Close the list of programs after this process is complete.
4. Press the Windows logo and 'R' keys to display the 'Run' dialog box again. Type 'regsvr32 /u googleafe.dll' without the quote marks and press 'Enter.' You should receive a message saying that Windows unregistered the DLL successfully. If you receive an error message, repeat this process but type 'regsvr32 /u bae.dll' without the quote marks instead. This removes the DLL associated with Google AFE from memory so you can delete it manually.
5. Click the 'Start' button, then click 'Computer' or 'My Computer.' Browse to 'C:' and 'Program Files.'
6. Right-click the folder 'GoogleAFE,' then click 'Delete.' If you do not see a folder with this name, look for the folder 'BAE' and delete it. Google AFE is now deleted. Close the Windows Explorer window.
7. Launch Internet Explorer. Click the 'Tools' button, then click 'Manage Add-ons.'
8. Click 'CBrowserHelperObject,' then click the 'Disable' button.
9. Restart the computer normally. Google AFE will no longer redirect the incorrect URLs that you enter in Internet Explorer.