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Saturday, July 16, 2011
How to Uninstall Flash Debugger
1. Close any open Internet Explorer windows.
2. Click on the 'Start' or 'Windows' menu button, then click on 'Search.' Click on all files and folders, then type 'flash.ocx' into the Search text box. Click on 'Search.' The Search utility will usually find a path of C:\Windows\System\Macromed\Flash on Windows 95, 98 or WinME; C:\WinNT\System32\Macromed\Flash on Windows NT or 2000; C:\Windows\System32\Macromed\Flash on Windows XP. If your path differs from this, make a note of the actual path.
3. Click on the 'Start' or 'Windows' menu button again, then click on 'Run.'
4. Type 'cmd' into the Open text box. This will open a DOS command window.
5. Type the following command into the DOS command prompt:C:\>cdType the name of your directory from Step 2 into the same line. For example, if the Flash Debugger was found in 'C:\WinNT\System32\Macromed\Flash' then your command line will be:C:\>cd C:\WinNT\System32\Macromed\FlashEnsure you leave a space between the 'cd C' and your directory name.
6. Press the 'Enter' key.
7. Type the following command into the DOS command prompt to remove Flash Debugger:regsrv32 -u flash.ocx.