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Wednesday, July 6, 2011
How to Find a Missing DLL
1. Note the missing DLL you wish to find. If you are not sure which DLL you are looking for, it is usually the one referenced in error messages when attempting to execute a program.
2. Open your 'Start' menu, located on the bottom left side of your screen. Click on the 'Search' icon, denoted by an image of a magnifying glass. This will open a new window with a special search pane.
3. Click on 'All files and Folders' when prompted what type of file to search for. In the text box for 'All or Part of the Filename,' enter the entire name of the DLL you are looking for, including the .dll extension of the filename (for example, if you are looking for 'library.dll' do not just type library, but add the .dll as well).
4. Right-click on the result found in the search window if the search finds the DLL you are looking for and it is not located in the file path 'C:\Windows\system32' as shown next to the result. Select the 'Cut' command. The icon of the selected DLL should become faded, indicating a successful Cut command.
5. Open your My Computer window, either by clicking on the icon on your desktop or Start menu. Enter your C: drive, navigate to the Windows folder then the system32 folder so that the location bar on the top portion of your window reads 'C:\Windows\system32.' Right-click on an empty area in this folder, and select 'Paste.' The missing DLL should appear. Restart your computer.