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Sunday, June 12, 2011
How to Repair a System File
1. Download a replacement file for your system on another computer. DLL Files and DLL Download System both have system files that can be downloaded for free (see 'Resources'.) Click on the first letter of the file name to view the list of files that begin with that letter, and then select the name of the DLL file that you need to download from the list.
2. Unzip the contents of the file. The file is zipped when downloaded. To unzip the file, go to the 'Downloads' folder of your system, right-click the file name and choose 'Extract.'
3. Transfer the unzipped file contents to an external storage device, like a flash drive or external hard drive. To transfer the file, plug the device into a USB port of the computer, go to the 'Start' menu, then go to 'My Computer' or 'Computer' and double-click the device to open it. Return to My Computer or Computer and open the folder on the hard drive where the unzipped file is stored. Drag the main file with the DLL extension from the folder on the hard drive to the external storage device.
4. Power on your computer and hold down the 'F8' key while the system boots up if you cannot boot the computer in standard mode. This boots the computer into safe mode, which requires fewer system files than standard mode, and is usually still available when the computer won't boot as normal.
5. Open the 'Start' menu of the computer and choose 'Computer' or 'My Computer' from the menu. Double-click the 'C:' drive and then the 'Windows' folder to open it on the screen.
6. Search the folder for the file that needs to be replaced. To search the folder, type the name of the file in the search box at the top of the screen and press 'Enter.' When the file appears in the search box, click on the file to show the path name of the file in the navigation bar of the screen.
7. Click on the system file that you are trying to repair and press 'Delete.' You may be asked to enter your administrator password. Enter the password if you have one. If you didn't create an administrator password, leave the space blank and click the 'OK' button.
8. Plug the external storage device you have saved the replacement file on into the computer. Open the folder for the external device. Drag the replacement file into the system folder.