1. Log into your computer under an account that is authorized to make system changes. Go to 'Start > Run' and enter 'cmd.' Hit 'OK' to launch the Command Prompt black box.
2. Type in the following command: 'cd %windir%\system32.' Hit 'Enter.'
3. Type in the following command: 'attrib -r -s -h dllcache.' Hit 'Enter.'
4. Type in the following command: 'ren msi.dll msi.old.' Hit 'Enter.'
5. Type in the following command: 'ren msiexec.exe msiexec.old.' Hit 'Enter.'
6. Type in the following command: 'ren msihnd.dll msihnd.old.' Hit 'Enter.'
7. Type in the following command: 'exit.' Hit 'Enter.'
8. Close the Command Prompt.
9. Restart the computer and log back in as the Administrator.