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Thursday, March 17, 2011
How to Use Camfrog on Linux Ubuntu
1. Camfrog is designed for Windows, so it is no surprise that it causes a random error and then closes without warning in Ubuntu! You will not be using Wine for this method, so please exit Wine if it is running and then find your Run screen (sometimes Alt+f2).
2. Find in your Main Menu under Preferences your Preferred Applications. One main error that people receive while running Camfrog in Ubuntu is that it is not installed correctly through the Preferred Applications Menu.
3. The next common error people make while installing Camfrog in Ubuntu can be found by searching the system logs for any indication of a Camfrog .DLL error (sometimes labeled CfxDLL.error) in the main screen.
4. If you are still having trouble, there is one last procedure you may try to ensure that Camfrog will run error-free. Find your Applications Menu, followed by the Add / Remove Programs Menu. You will now run a search for the Camfrog Installer using your Search for Apps feature.
5. There should be no errors left in the system log, please uninstall Camfrog and then reinstall using the preferred methods listed in steps 2 and 4. Have fun chatting away!