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Friday, March 11, 2011
How to Remove Rundll Error
1. Note the process that is generating the Rundll error by examining the last file name in the error that ends in \".dll.\"
2. Open the service configuration program on your computer by selecting the \"Start\" menu and typing \"command\" in the search text field. At the DOS prompt type \"services:msc\" and click \"Enter.\"
3. Select the DLL service from Step 1. Right click the service name followed by the \"Stop\" menu button. Exit the service configuration program.
4. Open your computer's registry editor by typing \"regedit\" at the DOS prompt and navigate to the Rundll registry key by typing \"Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Run\" in the Search field.
5. Select the registry key returned and in the value associated with the registry key, confirm it ends in the same DLL file name found in Step 1. If it does, single left click the value and Press the \"Delete\" key. Exit the registry editor.
6. Restart your computer and the Rundll error will be corrected.