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Wednesday, February 2, 2011
How to Write a Script in Windows XP
Download a Template
1. Download a script template for use in Microsoft Word (See the Resources section below). If you chose the Microsoft Template and have Windows XP or later, you may get an Activex error page. Ignore it, and scroll down the page, then follow the directions under the heading 'To download this template manually without solving this problem' and click the Download Now button.
2. Open Word, and then open the template (or, simply double click on the downloaded template file).
3. Following the template's style, enter stage directions, dialog, character's names and Act dividers.
4. Center all dialog under the name of the speaking character. Left justify and capitalize scene changes.
5. To view the styles, or make changes to the style, click Format > Styles and Formatting. Select the item you'd like to change or use, and then click 'modify.' The specifics will appear, and you can change them as needed.