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Wednesday, January 12, 2011
How to Find Missing Sys32 Files
1. Click the 'Start' button, on the lower left hand portion of the computer screen.
2. Click on the 'Search' option. You will know which option this is by the magnifying glass on the left of the option.
3. A new dialog box entitled Search Results will open. This screen usually has an animated cartoon dog in it. Choose the 'All Files and Folders' option.
4. In the All or Part of the Filename box, insert the whole name of the missing system32 file. Remember to place the file extension in the box as well. For example, for the file access, you will attach .cpl, which will make it access.cpl.
5. In the Look In drop down menu, choose either 'My Computer' or 'Local Hard Drives (C:).'
6. If the search finds the file, ensure that it is in your system32 folder. Under the In Folder header, you will see where the file is located. If it is not in sys32, right click, select 'Open Containing Folder' and 'Move this File' option under File and Folder Tasks. In the Move Items dialog box, find and select the System 32 folder and click 'Move.'
7. If you cannot find your missing file in your computer, go online to Select your Windows version, and insert the missing file in the search engine. When the file is found, download it and place it in your System32 folder; reboot your computer.